We fixed jerky.
Julienne-cut jerky that's easy to eat and hard to put down.
- 🦷 Julienne-cut strips don't get stuck in your teeth.
- 👏 Wide-mouth pouch keeps hands clean.
- ❤️ A pouch that's not 90% empty—wow.
- 👌 Get the perfect mouthful each bite.

👍 Easy to eat!
— Thinly sliced strips are easy to grab and chew.
👍 Tasty!
— Four bold flavors with new flavors always in the works
👍 Good ingredients!
— Premium jerky with an ingredients list you can understand without a PhD.
High-quality ingredients that you'll recognize—like "beef" and "honey." You won't be asking ChatGPT what our labels mean.
Stop ripping jerky with your front teeth like an animal. Our signature julienne-cut keeps jerky bits out of that beautiful smile.
Our package is a perfect 2.69 ounces of glory. Our wide-mouth bag is easy to grip, rip, and dip while keeping your hands clean.
Our signature cut makes jerky more enjoyable. Easier to eat, less messy, and more full of flavor.
Once you try julienne-cut jerky, you'll never go back.
We spent months designing and testing the ultimate jerky pouch. No more giant bags with two pieces of jerky inside.
We gave our pouch a wide mouth and a shallow reach because no one likes greasy jerky hands.
Our pouch comfortably fits its 2.69 ounces of jerky. Why 2.69? Because 2.00 just felt wrong.